Assumption of rationality

Matthew Reed wrote a post about Lisa Servon’s book “The Unbanking of America”. This comment stood out for me (emphasis mine):

By treating her various sources as intelligent people responding rationally to their circumstances, rather than as helpless victims of evil predators, [Servon] was able to stitch together a pretty good argument for why people make the choices they make.

In its approach, it reminded me a little of Tressie McMillan Cottom’s “Lower Ed” or Matthew Desmond’s “Evicted.”  In their different ways, each book addresses a policy question that is usually framed in terms of smart, crafty, evil people taking advantage of clueless, ignorant, poor people, and blows up the assumption.  In no case are predators let off the hook, but the “prey” are actually (mostly) capable and intelligent people doing the best they can.  Understanding why this is the best they can do, and what would give them better options, leads to a very different set of prescriptions.


Sidney Dekker calls this perspective the local rationality principle. It assumes that people make decisions that are reasonable given the constraints that they are working within, even though from the outside those decisions appear misguided.

I find this assumption of rationality to be a useful frame for explaining individual behavior. It’s worth putting in the effort to identify why a particular decision would have seemed rational within the context in which it was made.

A conjecture on why reliable systems fail

(Some of my co-workers call this Lorin’s Law)

Even highly reliable systems go down occasionally. After having read over the details of several incidents, I’ve started to notice a pattern, which has led me to the following conjecture:

Once a system reaches a certain level of reliability, most major incidents will involve:

  • A manual intervention that was intended to mitigate a minor incident, or
  • Unexpected behavior of a subsystem whose primary purpose was to improve reliability

Here are three examples from Amazon’s post-mortem write-ups of major AWS outages:

The S3 outage on February 28, 2017 involved a manual intervention to debug an issue that was causing the S3 billing system to progress more slowly than expected.

The DynamoDB outage on September 20, 2015 (which also affected SQS, auto scaling, and CloudWatch) involved healthy storage servers taking themselves out of service by executing a distributed protocol that was (presumably) designed that way for fault tolerance.

The EBS outage on October 22, 2012 (which also affected EC2, RDS, and ELBs) involved a memory leak bug in an agent that monitors the health of EBS servers.